It's not uncommon for employees to have a bad day or two — or week. And it's pretty common for the average person to gripe about a boss or co-worker from time to time. But how can you tell if it's just "one of those days" or something more serious?
I've quit several jobs in my life.
I quit my first job in an epic way, tearing off my uniform and
walking out of a bagel shop after a stupid dispute with a boss. I don't really
recommend walking out on a job, but everyone should know when to quit. While leaving
a position can present an inconvenience to your personal life, it may
be the best option for your long-term satisfaction.
At my very last job I recognized that
I needed to quit when my desires to become an entrepreneur overpowered my
wishes for a stable paycheck. Indeed many entrepreneurs realize over and
over they should leave their job but the financial security it provides
often keeps them firmly entrenched. I understand this totally as I've been
there. Save your money wisely so you can become the entrepreneur you want to be
if that's your dream.
Pay attention to the following nine
signals. They can help guide you in gaining clarity about whether it's time for
you to quit your job and start your next adventure.
1. You're bored and uninspired.
Remember when you first started working at
your current job? Were you full of passion and excitement each morning? Even if
that wasn't so, taking this particular job may have seemed
like a good decision once because of the pay, location, or
opportunity for advancement.
Now you're showing up every morning
feeling bored, uninspired, defeated, and hopeless. I know the feeling well and
have watched several people go through this. Consider if you really want
to continue putting up with this job eight hours (or more) every Monday
through Friday.
2. You keep promising yourself that
you'll quit.
Many people experience a day or two
of feeling fed up and ready to quit that crummy old job once and for all.
But take another look after a good night's sleep and keep in mind that you
may have just had an extremely stressful day.
I remember the three-month
period when I promised myself day after day at my web-hosting company job that I was going to quit. That position
became my very last job. While working there I had become
increasingly interested in starting my own business. I was making more money
outside work than I was on the job. So I took the leap.
Instead of promising to quit your job
every day, start being proactive outside work in making yourself presentable to
the next company you'd like to work for or start transforming yourself into
who you want to become.
While it's not always easy to
leave a job,
putting off a promise isn't going to help your situation either.
If you don't fit in at your company, it
might not be the right fit.
3. You don't fit in.
Hopefully you have an awesome job with a
great paycheck. You probably tolerate fairly well most of your co-workers.
But you just don't belong at the company. Maybe you require more structure and
your current employer is a bit too easygoing — or the opposite is true.
Sometimes there might not really be anything wrong with the job itself but the
company or the boss just doesn't jibe with your morals, ethics or
This is a tough situation because
another job might not be any different. Think about what might happen
if you reached out to your superior and tried to find a way to better fit
into the current operation. If that's not an option or you can't find a
different department or team that works better for you, it could be time to
4. You don't want the job your boss
One reason you've been staying put is
that your current company promotes advancement. But what happens once you
figure out you that don't want a managerial job like the one your boss
has? If you can't stand the idea of being in your boss's shoes, then probably
you should think about getting out before your go-getter peers pass you
5. You don't care for
the products or services.
Forget the pay, position and all your
great co-workers. If you can't become invested in the products or
services sold by your company, then how can you succeed by promoting them
or working for the firm?
Remember, companies thrive on
having employees who are brand advocates or ambassadors. It's not
fair to the company (or you) if you can't get behind the products or services.
If your boss makes life miserable, it
might be time to move on.
6. You have a horrible boss.
Sometimes all it takes is terrible manager
to push you to the door. Why deal with someone who's demanding, incompetent,
miserable, selfish, immature, or controlling every single day? Unless you're
certain that this boss is going to be leaving soon, perhaps you
should begin searching for a new gig.
That being said, I've been that boss
before and all it took was one employee to tell me some of the things I
was doing wrong. I was able to change — and I still work with that same
employee years later. This won't always work out this way, though. Only you can
be the judge of that.
7. You're always underperforming.
Despite your capabilities, you find
yourself consistently delivering less than the job demands because you
lack passion for it. Then again, you might be underperforming because
the job is too big or you can't navigate the office politics. Regardless of the
situation, it's probably a good idea to think about looking for a different job
if your performance isn't up to par.
8. You're stressed, anxious and
Of course you'll have those days when you
wish you could just stay home and sleep in. But if that becomes a common
occurrence, perhaps there's an underlying problem. Work might not always
be much fun, but if you're becoming anxious, unhappy, or stressed out just
from thinking about work, then do yourself a favor and get out while you
9. Your skills aren't being tapped.
If you keep being passed over for
high-profile projects or promotions, then clearly someone up top hasn't
realized how talented you are. Instead of wasting your potential at a place
where your work isn't acknowledged or respected, find somewhere else where you
might thrive.
Whatever your reason for wanting to quit,
only you can determine if you really should leave. James Altucher's book "Choose
Yourself! Be Happy, Make Millions, Live the Dream" taught
me to trust myself and take the necessary steps to live the life I truly
want. Since leaving my last job, I've become my own boss. I'm happier
than ever before. I want that sense of fulfillment for everyone.
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