April is Stress Awareness month, and we as a nation are more stressed out at work than ever. Eight out of 10 of Americans are stressed out by at least one thing at their job, up from seven out of 10 last year, according to a recent Work Stress Survey conducted on behalf of Everest College.
“Americans have plenty of reasons to be optimistic,” says Everest College spokesman John Swartz in a press release, “but anxiety among employees is rooted in our working lives, and it is important to understand new and better ways of coping with the pressure.”
Here are some tips for alleviating workplace stress:
1. Don’t skip breakfast
You might be sick of hearing that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but it really can help maintain your energy—and your mood—during those long morning meetings. If you don’t have time to cook a sit-down breakfast before you leave the house, grab a healthy granola bar on the way to work or keep a few packets of instant oatmeal in your desk for emergencies.
2. Go for a walk
You may not have time to take a long walk outside, but at least try to get up once per hour to take a quick walk around the hallways. If you drive to work, park your car at the farthest end of the parking lot and walk all the way to the office. You’ll feel less stiff and have more energy throughout the day.
3. Stretch at your desk
Take breaks several times throughout the day to stretch different parts of your body. Stretch your hands back and rotate your wrists to alleviate stiffness from typing and using your computer mouse, and also do standing stretches to keep your arms and legs limber. Read more here about stretches and exercises you can do at your desk!
4. Stick to healthy snacks
When the afternoon slump hits, it’s so tempting to reach for thatchocolate bar or sugary energy drink. But according to Livestrong.com,energy bars and drinks “can cause unwanted side effects such as irritability, anxiety, and withdrawal fatigue.” Instead, try snacking on fruits and vegetables that will give you a more natural energy boost. Bananas are particularly great for afternoon snacking. According to Livestrong, they “happen to be low in fiber and are easily digestible, which means their sugar enters your body quickly for a rapid energy boost.”
5. Watch your posture
Often when you’re focusing on a stressful project at work, you unconsciously keep your shoulder, back, or neck muscles tensed, leading to pain and fatigue later on. If you catch yourself tensing your muscles or hunching over your computer, take a deep breath and consciously loosen each muscle in your body.
6. Learn to prioritize
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by everything you have to get done, keep a daily to-do list on your computer and lists tasks from most to least urgent. Then, address each project one at a time, and cross it off once it’s done. Breaking your workload into individual tasks makes it seem less intimidating.
7. Don’t bite off more than you can chew
It’s great to be proactive at work, but be careful not to stretch yourself too thin. Before volunteering for that new project, think carefully about your ability to get it done in the required timeframe. Not to say you shouldn’t take initiative; just set realistic goals. You’ll save yourself lots of stress down the line!
8. Keep pictures of loved ones at your desk
It might sound cheesy, but keeping photos of your kids or significant other on your desk can be a great morale-booster. If you’re feeling especially stressed, look at the pictures and remind yourself of what matters most.
9. Take up a stress-relieving hobby
Release pent-up stress after work by doing a physical activity like kickboxing, yoga, or even dancing. An art class or a cooking class can also be therapeutic.
10. Ask for help
If workplace stress has become unbearable, it might be helpful to speak to someone about dealing with your anxiety. Some employer health plans include a few free sessions with a counselor. And even if you don’t want to see a therapist, sit down with a close friend or family member and ask them for advice. Sometimes just talking about your stresses on the job can make them feel more manageable.
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