miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2014

Opportunity Is A Head Game


If you perceive “opportunity” as something in limited supply, or in inexhaustible supply, the perception is all in your head. You choose your own point of view about the availability of opportunity.

I’d like to suggest that the quantity and quality of your opportunities is directly proportional to your faith and belief that opportunity is abundantly available for you at all times. As an entrepreneur, you know your only power to create anything valuable begins in the formless realm (the land of creativity, imagination and intuition) right inside your head.

Lately I have been thinking a lot about “opportunity”.

Where does opportunity come from?  Where are the best opportunities now? How to attract opportunity? Are there a limited number of opportunities available only to a select few?

I’ve always been fascinated with the idea that “being more of yourself” in the world forms the basis for creating more opportunity. Like you, I am a seeker. I’m always tuned to my inner radar… paying attention to what shows up, connecting dots, following my intuition more than facts.  And like you, I sometimes fear opportunity is in limited supply.

My own life-long desire for personnel success and achievement has led me to wonder how some entrepreneurs magically create great value from thin air at just the perfect time.

In studying the traits common in entrepreneurs who build amazingly successful enterprises, one in particular seems to determine how well their opportunities will exceed their current capacity– a core belief that opportunity is in endless supply and begins as a creative thought in the marvelous mind.

The tide of opportunity

Like the ocean, opportunity is like the tide–always moving in different directions according to the needs of the marketplace. Customers needs and desires are always changing, lifestyle trends in the culture come and go, technology is forever in hyper evolution– all contribute to the dynamic tides of opportunity in the marketplace.

As you begin building your business, it’s important to remember opportunity favors those who “swim with the tide” as opposed to against it.

The tide of opportunity always flows in the direction of growth and advancement never toward lack or limitation. Opportunity is about adding new value rather than compete for the value others have already created.  Opportunity favors those who bring greater value (innovation) to the marketplace first–never because they need business now.

The only way to grow your business is to tap your own flow of opportunity from within your creative mind.

The science of opportunity.

In the early 20th century New Thought philosophy, (which has become the foundation on which all modern day human potential gurus base their philosophy of success), is based on the premise that the universe (both formless and formed) operates by exact law.  These laws are always on and inescapable–like gravity.

One of the first principles of this philosophy (now confirmed by quantum science) suggests everything we see in form is really made up of one original substance–commonly known as vibrating energy–out of which all matter precedes. Likewise, opportunity is energy. Energy is the goo of potential as yet unformed.

Here’s the kicker and the key to the whole mental puzzle of creating opportunity:

“The original material is a thinking substance responsive to the needs of humans and will not let humanity be without any good thing”.

Wallace Wattles
New Thought Philosopher
The Science of Getting Rich

Opportunity is alive and found everywhere and in everything– the higher expression of a benevolent natural force in the universe responsive to our desires and always available.

Only thinking in “a certain way” taps us into this powerful, limitless creative force. That’s how all the stuff ever created in the world shows up. That’s how we humans have evolved over the ages to create the wild and unbelievable world we now live in today!  Like the cliché says “thoughts are things”.

Is positive thinking enough?

What if you just happen to really need business now and opportunities are nowhere to be found in the visible supply? What then?  Do you still believe opportunity is everywhere always? Do you believe without doubt opportunity will respond to your need and desire? What will keep your faith that you are always surrounded by opportunity for greater growth and expansion in your business and in your whole life experience?

Turning formless ideas into molecules takes much more than simple positive thinking.

Other Jedi Master level mental faculties are required to work in harmony with your imagination and intuition–faith, belief, passion, love, commitment, disciplined action, patience, persistence and perseverance–actions that form the currency that challenge requires to pay for the reward of endless opportunity.

Without acting in a certain way, the magic of bringing limitless opportunities from your creative mind into the formed will never work.

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