We all know procrastination is bad for
A 2011 study published in the European Journal of
Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences showed procrastination was one
of the leading factors affecting work-related stress. Procrastination has been
linked to poor performance, and even poor health.
It would seem likely then that the opposite of
procrastination--completing tasks sooner than they need to be done--would
improve productivity and relieve stress. Yet, a recent study by Pennsylvania
State University psychology researchers shows this may not be the case.
Professor David Rosenbaum and graduate student Cory
Adam Potts conducted an experiment in which participants were given the choice
of carrying one of two heavy buckets full of pennies down an alleyway. One
bucket was placed near participants at the start line, while the other bucket
was placed closer to the finish line.
Surprising the researchers, the majority of
participants picked up the bucket that was closest to them, even though it
meant they had to carry it farther and expend more physical effort. When the
participants were asked why they’d chosen that bucket, the majority replied
they wanted to get the task done as quickly as possible. The desire to lighten
their mental load was stronger than their determination to reduce their
physical effort.
We can liken the bucket-carrying experiment to the
urge to clear the desk before the real work begins. To describe this
phenomenon, the researchers coined the term precrastination. But while
expediting the task at hand--precrastination--may seem to improve productivity
by allowing you to check items off your to-do list easier, is precrastination
really any less of a vice than procrastination?
Maybe not, says Potts, who co-wrote the
precrastination study. “Imagine if you devote a lot of energy toward completing
a task immediately, and then [a client] calls and interrupts you when you’re in
the middle of that task," he says. "Is your attention going to go to
the phone call or is it still going to be on the task?”
While performance on the task at hand may improve,
performance on other tasks--like meetings, email interruptions, and phone
calls--is going to falter because your attention is directed elsewhere. A
procrastinator, on the other hand, may capitalize on that interruption and
perform better because it delays work further.
Precrastinating may feel better than
procrastinating, as you avoid that nagging knowledge that you should be doing
something else, but rushing to complete a task may result in decreased
performance. “If you want to start and finish something as fast as possible--before
you have the full instruction on how to complete the task--it could potentially
be a problem,” says Potts.
Precrastination can also result in lost details and
even missed opportunities for cognitive processing. We’ve all heard the
expression "to sleep on something."
“Oftentimes, you’re able to remember things better
or things occur to you that wouldn’t have occurred to you [in the moment], says
Potts. "If you’re a procrastinator, you have that time to incubate,
whereas if you’re a precrastinator you don’t.” Rushing to complete the task
could mean you’re losing out on ideas that would have occurred to you later if
you’d taken the time to mentally percolate on the task.
It isn’t clear whether we’re wired to be
precrastinators or procrastinators, Potts says, but if you find your pre- or
procrastinating tendencies are getting in the way of your normal work
functions, you may want to steal a page from its opponent’s manual.
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